Writing the Memoir: From Pen to Published
Webinar coming soon...
Manuscript Developmental Edit
A developmental edit focuses on the bigger picture of your work. I’ll identify the strengths and weaknesses of your manuscript, focusing on elements such as arc, voice, plot, consistency, and writing style.
How does it work? Glad you asked.
Before we start, we’ll have a quick 30-minute chat to talk about the work and your goals.
I’ll read your work twice, prepare my notes, and work through edits.
I’ll send your work back to you along with an editorial letter.
When you’re ready, we’ll have a 1-hour chat (Zoom or phone call) to go through your work, my letter, and get you ready for your next step: the edits.
Sounds good? Cool!
“I engaged K.J. to help me with my memoir. As a new writer, I naively thought a few edits here and there were all I needed but K.J. took me by the hand and showed me how much better I could be. K.J.’s editing was insightful, helpful, and inspiring. K.J. made me want to dig deeper and my work has grown in leaps and bounds because of their feedback. I feel like I've had a crash course in writing. I highly recommend K.J. for any of your writing needs. They are remarkable.”
—Marsha Jacobson
First Pages Edit
Your first pages are what publishers, agents, and potential readers will respond to the most. If your first pages aren’t polished to perfection, they may put your book down.
With a first pages critique (20-25 pages), I’ll give in-depth feedback on a line-by-line level, to help you get your first pages polished.
Flat fee: $275 CAD + HST
Query Letter Review
You’ve got your manuscript ready to go, and now what? The dreaded query letter.
Query letters are usually pretty challenging to write for yourself. You’ve been mired in your work for so long that it can be a struggle to pull back and distill it into a polished query letter and pitch. Send me your query letter draft (no matter how messy) and I’ll help you hone it to query readiness.
Don’t know what a query letter is? Check out Eric Smith’s blog. He’s a query Jedi.
Flat fee: $75 CAD + HST
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